who we serve
The Butler Foundation funds public charities based in or serving financially disadvantaged residents of Northern Kentucky.
Priority consideration goes to programs and organizations that promote
- Individual dignity
- Gainful employment
- Self-sufficiency
- Education and life-long learning
- Long-term outcomes
- Efficient leveraging of resources (challenge grants, collaborations, etc.)
what we fund
Helping Hands grants provide one-time, last-resort hardship relief to help individuals and families in crisis. The Foundation has established relationships with over 30 referral charities, churches, and schools that request and administer these funds.
Our Board believes that quality education is key to long-term self-sufficiency. By funding the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACUE) and select high schools and colleges in Northern Kentucky, we invest in hard-working students who could not otherwise afford top-quality education.
Charity grants provide start-up funding, operating and program support for local charities that meet people’s basic needs.
what we don't fund
The Butler Foundation does not fund event sponsorships or completed projects. Our board does not prioritize capital projects or endowment requests, but may consider these on a case-by-case basis.